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Meet The Staff

We Are The Team With the Biggest Heart, Best Preparation, Deepest Passion, Strongest Togetherness and Will to Succeed!

Semeon Phillip_edited.jpg

Rev. Semeon J. Phillip

Administrative Officer

Martha B_edited_edited.jpg

Gregory Jones, Esq.

Legal Counsel

Esau S_edited.jpg

Mr. Esau S. Esau

Administrative Assistance

Kenye Mike_edited.jpg

Ms. Kenye K. Mike

Speaker's Secretary

Krystle Melander_edited.jpg

Ms. Krystle Y. Melander

Chief Legal Aide

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Mr. Rensley M. Thomson


Kenye Nena_edited.jpg

Ms. Kenye M. Nena

Journal Clerk

Alokoa J_edited_edited.jpg
Joseph Tilfas_edited.jpg

Mr. Joseph R. Tilfas


Shra Skilling_edited.jpg

Ms. Shra F. Skilling

Legislative Secretary

Kiaru Esahu_edited.jpg
Kesia Charley_edited.jpg

Ms. Kesia E. Charley


Keslyn Phillip_edited.jpg
Meriam Skilling_edited.jpg


P.O. Box 187
Tofol, Kosrae State
FM  96944

(691) 370-3177/3019

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©2019 by Kosrae State Legislature

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